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AU - Benalla - Race 6

14 Runners

All race stats and comments are provided by numberfire. Complex algorithms are used to calculate stats like the power rating. Numberfire picks are provided by horse racing experts that work with numberfire.


BAREFOOT TORA (7) improved at Geelong and again at Stony Creek narrowly beaten over 1 ¹/16m. She was heavily bet and will relish the further step up in distance. THE YACHTSMAN (8) mixes the form but is up to this at best and can go better back in distance. Maps well and will get every chance. COOMOROO LADY (11) just missed over a mile at Wodonga and will be better for it. She should run it out okay and deserves consideration. THE KINGS GOSPEL (3) missed 1l here first up and then won a 52 at Hanging Rock. Draws and inside barrier and can't be ruled out.
numberFire Picks
Horse Stats
#/SilkHorse#/HorsePower RatingHigh SpeedWin %Top 3%Win ProbOdds
Barefoot Tora silk

Most recently 2nd of 8 at Stony Creek 0 - 58 on January 4 over 1 ¹/16m, long-neck behind Mon Etoile carrying 128lbs at $1.95. The race before that 6th of 11 at Geelong Bm58 on December 13 over 7 ¾f, 2.5 len behind Muppet carrying 129lbs at $6.50. Close to a win. Hard to beat.

1st Pick

Barefoot Tora

Jockey: Lachlan King

Trainer: Robbie Griffiths

J: Lachlan King

T: Robbie Griffiths



Most recently 2nd of 8 at Stony Creek 0 - 58 on January 4 over 1 ¹/16m, long-neck behind Mon Etoile carrying 128lbs at $1.95. The race before that 6th of 11 at Geelong Bm58 on December 13 over 7 ¾f, 2.5 len behind Muppet carrying 129lbs at $6.50. Close to a win. Hard to beat.

The Yachtsman silk

Last start ran last in a small field at Mornington Bm64 on January 5 over 1 ½m, 6 len behind Zegalo carrying 122lbs at $26. The run before that got back early 6th of 8 at Werribee 0 - 58 on December 21 over 1m, 7 len behind Vadarchie with 123lbs at $6. Will find this more suitable and can improve.

2nd Pick

The Yachtsman

Jockey: Will Gordon

Trainer: Naomi Bourke

J: Will Gordon

T: Naomi Bourke



Last start ran last in a small field at Mornington Bm64 on January 5 over 1 ½m, 6 len behind Zegalo carrying 122lbs at $26. The run before that got back early 6th of 8 at Werribee 0 - 58 on December 21 over 1m, 7 len behind Vadarchie with 123lbs at $6. Will find this more suitable and can improve.

Coomoroo Lady silk

Third-up today. First-up tracked the speed and boxed on steadily 5th of 12 at Wangaratta Bm58 on December 23 over 1m, 2.25 len behind Celnado with 125lbs at $31. Second run from a spell made some head-way from midfield, 3rd of 10 at Wodonga 0 - 58 on January 5 over 1m, 0.9 len behind Vampire Miss with 125lbs at $10. Fitter now and making headway. Winning chance.

3rd Pick

Coomoroo Lady

Jockey: Jake Duffy

Trainer: Craig Weeding

J: Jake Duffy

T: Craig Weeding



Third-up today. First-up tracked the speed and boxed on steadily 5th of 12 at Wangaratta Bm58 on December 23 over 1m, 2.25 len behind Celnado with 125lbs at $31. Second run from a spell made some head-way from midfield, 3rd of 10 at Wodonga 0 - 58 on January 5 over 1m, 0.9 len behind Vampire Miss with 125lbs at $10. Fitter now and making headway. Winning chance.

Horse Racing Basic Terms

Main Track Only

A horse entered for main track only (MTO) is one hoping the weather forecast or track conditions will move the race off the turf course and onto the main track. They are scratched the morning of the race if the conditions stay dry.


A workout is a timed sprint over varying distances prior to a race, meant to get a horse fit enough for competition.


One furlong is an eighth of a mile.